Arthur Dale was the only child of a poor widow. His mother had to work very hard to earn a living for herself and her little boy.
Arthur was then year old. He wished very much to help his mother. Arthur was going to town to look for a small job. He was going down a lane, and he saw a shop and on the door it said, "Need employees", so Arthur went in. There it smelled like candles. "Hello!", said Arthur.
"Hi," someone said.
"I came for a job," said Arthur.
"Oh, come here," said the man.
Arthur went over there and the man said, "So, you want a job?" And Arthur said yes. The man said ok, and that he could come on Tuesday.
So on Tuesday Arthur went to the candle shop and he worked there and in 2 weeks he had $22. Then he spent it to buy food and when he got home his mother fainted.
The End
by jumping bean
A job in a candle shop is my dream! Arthur sounds like a very thoughtful and industrious boy!